Friday, April 27, 2012

Attempting to be "crafty"

Like many others, I LOVE Pinterest!!! I especially love the DIY/craft column, and have been getting a lot of ideas over the past few months. I have never been a "crafty" person, but have recently been inspired by some of the what seems to be "easy" projects. Jared and I found 2 chairs at the Habitat for Humanity store for $5 each. They were in much need of some TLC!

Before: cigarette burns, black marks, and a terrible rancid smell!!!

So..... Jared was forced kindly volunteered to help me make these beautys come to life. My kind and wonderful husband spent 2 days taking over 300 staples out (I would have helped but was in school, an exscuse I will not be able to have anymore ;). We did not have a budget, but did try to keep our cost as low as possible with the supplies. We have no craft supplies, so some of the items we bought will be used on future projects to come. Items purchased: white spray paint, primer, foam, batting, nail stapler, staples, fabric (make sure you get enough!). The entire project took about 2 days (allow time for the paint to dry, so multiple coats can be applied). And...... tada!
After: aren't they pretty!!!
We calculated each chair cost about $30 after buying all of the supplies. Note: make a list of the items you need, thus avoiding 100 trips back and forth. If we can do this, anyone can! Hopefully, they will be in our new house if this short sale ever goes through!!! More on that later. ;)